Our Pure and Clean Natural Ingredients

Wild Orange

Citrus fruits are commonly known to have a wide variety of health benefits and are also used to produce oils. Citrus Sinensis, or wild orange, has many different uses and health benefits. It’s great as a diffuser. Not only does it have a pleasant smell, it also reduces stress, anxiety and depression. Other health benefits include its antimicrobial properties, meaning it can stop the growth of bacteria and fungi. Wild orange oil can even prevent the growth of bacteria that causes food poisoning.

Wild orange oil is a natural complement to any health regiment. It provides the benefits of many anti-fungal and antimicrobial medicines without side effects. Wild orange oil also has anticancer and antioxidant properties. From lifting moods to antimicrobial uses, wild orange oil is a natural alternative, or supplement, to prescription medication.



Clove oil has been used in a variety of ways for centuries. It can add flavor to cold remedies, moisturize skin, and even be used as a pain reliever. Clove oil has incredibly effective anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. Using it can help fight fungal infections as well as fight bacteria which causes respiratory illnesses.

Clove oil has been used to reduce pain associated with toothaches and can even prevent dental erosion. It is also effective at relieving chronic itching, a skin irritation which is commonly treated with petroleum oil. Clove oil provides a much healthier alternative. Petroleum based products have been reported to be carcinogenic. It’s also great as a natural weed killer and insect repellent.



 It’s no secret that ginger has been used in traditional medicine for a variety uses. Ginger oil has some anti-inflammatory properties, making it an effective arthritis remedy. It’s also great for hair removal and, due to its high antioxidant content, is good for reducing skin roughness and wrinkles.

 Ginger oil is popular for aromatherapy as it has a warm, spicy scent. Inhalation of the oil can help ease nausea and stomach upset. This makes it a great natural alternative to anti-nausea medication, which can cause other gastrointestinal upset. On the other hand, ginger oil has no side effects. It is much safer to use for all its different medicinal properties.


Lemon essential oils

Lemon oil is derived from the peel of the lemon fruit. It has many different uses as a mood booster, pain reliever and anti-nausea remedy. Diffusing lemon oil has been shown to help reduce anxiety and depression. It also acts as a boost for brainpower, increasing alertness and concentration.


Lemon oil has antibacterial properties that can help promote skin health and clean small wounds. Other skin conditions, such as acne, can be improved through the use of this essential oil as well. Lemon oil makes a great complement to any health and wellness routine, and is without many of the side effects associated with prescription medication.



Peppermint oil has been used for a wide variety of ailments. It is derived from the peppermint plant and can come in many different forms. Its most extensive use has been in reducing the symptoms of IBS and other digestive issues. It can reduce headaches and migraines when applied topically to the temples. When applied to itchy, dry skin, it can relieve the length and severity of itchiness.

With few side effects, peppermint oil is a perfect complement to any health and wellness routine. Using it can help ease nausea and migraines, as well as improve skin health. It can also help ease some symptoms of the common cold, as peppermint relieves sore throat.



 While doctors prefer antibiotics to fight bacterial infections, oregano oil is a powerful essential oil that may rival antibiotics. Doctors will overlook this natural essential oil in favor of antibiotics, but evidence shows it can be incredibly useful. It can treat or prevent various infections

 Oregano oil is an underutilized antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal remedy. Unlike antibiotics, oregano oil has a low chance of any side effects. High use of antibiotics causes drug resistance, poor gut health due to the destruction of beneficial probiotic bacteria, reduced vitamin absorption, and leaky gut syndrome. Oregano essential oil can be used without such harmful side effects.


Melaleuca (Tea Tree)

Melaleuca oil, more commonly known as tea tree oil, is a popular essential oil that has many medicinal uses. It has antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. It can also increase the activity of white blood cells, meaning that it helps boost the immune system.

Tea tree oil has so many different uses. It can help to treat nail fungus in place of over-the-counter medication. Its other anti-fungal uses can help treat dandruff associated with sebborrheic dermatitis, athlete’s foot, and even remove mold on fruits and vegetables. Tea tree oil can even be used as a cleaning agent, mouthwash, and antiseptic agent for minor wounds and scrapes.

It makes a wonderful chemical-free, natural alternative to many products used for skin ailments, personal care and disinfectants.


Thyme essential oils 

Thyme isn’t simply a necessary kitchen staple. It is also a natural remedy for various health issues. Instead of reaching for over-the-counter cough medicines, thyme essential oil can be used to alleviate coughing and sore throat. It can boost the immunity and prevent illnesses.


It’s also great for reducing high blood pressure and helping prevent heart disease. Among its other uses, it can be used as an acne treatment. Much better than using acne medication which includes benzoyl peroxide, an agent which dries skin and causes irritation. Thyme is a great natural essential oil often used for its preservative and antimicrobial properties.