10 Ways to Use Essential Oils This Spring

Spring is all about renewal, which makes it the perfect time of year to focus on your health and wellbeing. For instance, it’s the ideal season to work on improving your immune system, such as to fight allergies and be prepared for illness when the weather turns cold again. One of the natural ways to boost your immune system is with essential oils.

However, this is just one use — there are many ways you can use essential oils this spring.

1. Spring Cleaning

A thorough spring cleaning as the weather starts to change is always necessary. It will improve your mood and help you feel more motivated. Use the opportunity to infuse your home with a scent by adding an essential oil to a homemade cleaner. Whatever you choose will smell much more pleasant than the chemicals in commercial products, and some essential oils (such as lemon) even have antibacterial and antiviral qualities.

Use a cleaner to deodorize your refrigerator, remove grease stains, or just freshen the air throughout your home. You could also make a wood polish or leather cleaner using olive oil and the essential oil of your choice — anything citrus is ideal. Finally, add a few drops of essential oil to each load of laundry with a non-scented laundry detergent for a long-lasting effect on your clothing and bedding.

2. Stay Hydrated

You’ll need to drink plenty of water if you’re staying active this spring. Whether you’re going for a stroll or bike ride or working in the garden, it makes sense to add a little flavor to your water to increase its appeal. Make sure you only use essential oils that are safe to ingest for this purpose and add just one drop per bottle.

3. Eat a Healthy Diet

It’s easier to get into good habits during the spring, especially if you’re spending more time outdoors, away from temptations. Essential oils can make salads and other dishes that much tastier. Plus, lemon essential oil helps vegetables last longer, meaning you can prepare them in advance and they’ll stay fresh.

4. Improve Your Sleep

It can be difficult to adjust to warmer nights — and changing to daylight saving time can disrupt your sleep patterns even more. Fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your sleep by setting up a diffuser or applying a few drops of essential oil to your pillow. The sense of calm this will give you will make a big difference to your sleep. However, it’s even better if you choose an essential oil suited to the type of sleep problems you’re facing. For instance, bergamot can relieve anxiety symptoms, whereas jasmine prevents restlessness.

5. Cope with the Changing Temperatures

The transition from cold weather to warm can lead you to have symptoms much like a winter cold. Cope with a running nose, congestion, fatigue, a cough, and other unpleasant effects by inhaling an essential oil like clary sage or rosemary. You’ll also find that this shortens your recovery time.

6. Control Allergy Symptoms

Most people look forward to spring all through the winter — but if you’re an allergy sufferer, it can be an uncomfortable time of year. Since allergies come with many of the same symptoms as colds, it makes sense that essential oils would be excellent at helping you cope with the effects of pollen. In particular, use oils that are natural antihistamines or have anti-inflammatory properties, such as lavender or holy basil.

7. Repel Insects

Another thing that may keep you from going outside as much as you’d like are insects. Many people would prefer to avoid chemical insecticides but are unable to find an effective solution. The good news is that essential oils like eucalyptus and peppermint naturally repel insects. Dilute the oil and apply it directly to your skin to keep ticks, fleas, and flies at bay when you’re enjoying a spring walk. Plus, if you want to sleep with the window open and you’re concerned about letting mosquitoes in, use an essential oil diffuser throughout the night.

8. Soothe Irritated Skin

If you suffer from an insect bite (perhaps you forgot to apply an essential oil before heading outdoors), use something like lavender for relief from the itch. This is also effective for reducing inflammation after a bee sting.

Essential oils are also useful for other skin complaints, including sunburn. Chamomile is particularly soothing after you’ve spent too much time in the sun and your skin is red or sore. Another use of essential oils is to treat the calluses on your feet, such as after your first hike in new boots — orange essential oil is ideal for this. Finally, you can heal skin from razor burn using a little tea tree oil.

9. Give Your Hair a Makeover

Many people find that their scalp suffers from problems on a seasonal basis. For spring dandruff, use rosemary essential oil — it’s also great for stimulating growth and making your hair thick and strong.

Alternatively, if you’re worried that your hair often looks greasy, include lemon essential oil. Rub a few drops into your scalp every night (or, better yet, ask a loved one to give you a quick head massage!) and wash it out in the morning. This will help regulate the oils your scalp produces naturally. Plus, you’ll fall asleep to a calming lemon scent.

10. Take Time to Relax

With spring cleaning and activities restarting for the season, you may find yourself becoming exhausted. Whenever you need to relax, turn to essential oils. If you’re short on time, just inhaling your favorite essential oil will make a big difference. However, if you’re able to properly relax, practice meditation with an essential oil in a diffuser or add a few drops to a bath. Ylang ylang, lemongrass, and neroli are all perfect for this.

Find essential oils for all the above purposes at LaCura. Check out our store to choose from a range of singles and blends that are perfect for the spring.

About the author, Liat Chiprut

Liat Chiprut is a Functional Medicine Practitioner and licensed pharmacist. As an essential oil expert, Liat spent years researching and training on the root cause of disease and how to prevent illness and heal the body naturally. Her mission is creating new blends and helping all those that want to heal naturally have the information and products to do so.